About Us
Lisa Liquidation LLC is a female-owned business specializing in home improvement products. We are dedicated to providing high-quality products at competitive prices. With our wide selection and excellent customer service, we are confident that you will find something just right for your home.
We know that remodeling your home can be daunting, which is why we strive to make it as easy as possible. Our knowledgeable staff will assist you in finding the perfect products for your needs and our customer service team is always available for any questions you may have. Visit us today and let us help you make your home a dream come true.
At MyHomeGoods, we offer a wide variety of home improvement products for all your renovations needs. Every product is carefully selected and of the highest quality. Not only are we a female-owned and black-owned business, but we also provide a level of care and attention to detail that can only come from a mother.
Our goal is to help you find the perfect item for your home and ensure you are completely satisfied with the purchase. Visit our store today and see what Lisa Liquidation LLC has to offer